What Is It Like To Travel In 2021? 4 Tips To Cross Off The Checklist

It’s crazy to believe that travel is just starting to reopen after over a year of the world being shut down. As the world reopens and people start traveling again, there are a few things you need to know before booking those plane tickets, especially when you are leaving the country.

1.Be sure to triple check your expiration date of your passport. When traveling within the US, you are able to use your license as identification. However, when you are traveling outside of the country, you need a passport. If your passport is due to expire within a year, you will not be eligible to travel.

2.Vaccine cards are not as important as you would think. I got vaccinated in June, expecting to need it to leave the country. However, it really was not needed. I did not need to show it to anyone leaving or coming back in or out of the country. Not only that, but I was required to get Covid tested despite being vaccinated! I was shocked.

3. The check in process was much different than precovid. When checking in, I had to fill out an entry form the night before in order to get into the country. It was worth filling it out the night before because I was able to avoid a lot of in person paperwork.

4.Planes are at full capacity, so expect to be sitting shoulder to shoulder with strangers again. You are also required to wear a mask while on the plane and in the airport. Other than that, everything else is basically the same!

Although there are a few things that are different in order to travel, I’m so happy that I’m able to travel the world again! The closure of countries made me realize how grateful I am to have been able to see so many places and appreciate their beauty. To read more about travel tips, visit the “Fun” tab to read up on all the countries I’ve visited!

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