How to spend an entire day in NYC


Okay so today was a HUGE day... My friend and I decided to spend an entire day in New York City together doing all these fun activities. We took the 8:36 train into NYC and we made great timing, we ended up getting there by 9:20ish. Right away we headed to the Highline starting in Chelsea on 10th and 28th street. The Highline is such a nice place to walk along if your trying to get somewhere in Chelsea. It's basically an elevated sidewalk and abandoned train track that is 30 feet above the ground. The city decorates it with pretty flowers in the spring/summer and they have benches everywhere so people can sit. I really enjoy people watching on the Highline because you never know what you are going to see. Today, I saw multiple photoshoots going on and a number of people playing music and singing.

We ended up making a little detour to the Chelsea Market. The Chelsea market is one of the coolest places to eat, as well as find jewelry and accessories. Once you walk further into the market, they sell a lot of food such as ice cream, cheese, spices, nuts and pizza that you can grab to eat. It is usually super crowded though, so theres a lot of pushing that happens. But when does that not happen in NYC?

For lunch, we went to the Crosby Bar at the Firmdale Hotel. It was such a good place to eat because the variety of healthy foods. I got the Caesar Salad and my friend got a super good looking avacado dish. The restaurant a beautiful outdoor space and today was one of the first sunny spring days. Outside is decorated with some green plants and it has a very modern look to it. Once we paid for our meal, they offered us some cute little ice cream cones that were amazing. 

We had somehow magically walked all the way to Soho, which is where we spent a majority of the day. Soho has a completely different vibe than Manhattan does. I think that Soho is way more spread out and people there are so much more laid back, while Manhattan people are rushing to get from one place to another.

Anyways, we did some major shopping because what's a day in NYC without shopping? There were soooooo many stores that we went into, I lost track of count. I'll just say some of my favorite stores that I went into; Brandy Melville, Vintage Twin (my first pop up thrift shop I've ever been in), Splendid, Topshop, Levi's, Ritual, Forever 21 and H&M. I didn't buy anything from any of the stores, except for some super cool, clear lensed glasses off of the street. I got them for $5.00, and I had seen the exact same pair from Urban Outfitters for $18.00. I was super happy to find them for such a low price because the clear lensed glasses trend is catching on!

We ended the Soho trip with going to I CE NY, which is an ice cream store. Now, you may think, what's so cool about an ice cream store that Alexis is going to ramble on about? Well let me tell you. The people at I CE NY make ice cream a little differently. I ordered their "Supreme Berry" ice cream and they take the ingredients (milk and fruit) and they start chopping it on a freezer board. Then they smooth it out flat with their spatulas and they roll it up into long rolls. Then they put the fruit on top and I could watch this all happen in the matter of 4 minutes. It was probably the coolest thing I have ever seen.

Today was one busy day full of walking, but hey it was really good exercise. We walked back from Soho, to the Highline, to Penn Station and ended up catching the late train home. Now, after you have read all this you're probably wondering if my feet are about to fall off, and my answer is yes. 

Outfit: body suit/ bomber jacket/shorts (similar)/sneakers/ backpack (similar)

The Highline

The Highline

The Highline

The Highline

The Highline

The Highline

 Chelsea Market


Chelsea Market

Outside of Crosby Bar

Outside of Crosby Bar

Meals at Crosby Bar

Meals at Crosby Bar

Cute ice cream cones we got afterwards at Crosby Bar 

Cute ice cream cones we got afterwards at Crosby Bar 

Shopping in Soho

Shopping in Soho

Shopping with the cool glasses

Shopping with the cool glasses

I CE ice cream

I CE ice cream